Health Services
Eat'n'Grow is a part of the Eat Speak Learn team and specialises in paediatric dietetic support, with extensive experience working with children with complex physical and generalised disabilities, including children with autism and sensory conditions. Whether you want support in managing your child's chronic health condition, their relationship with food, or to get your kids to eat a more diverse diet, we can help - you don't have to do this alone. There are many ways Eat'n'Grow can help; we utilise a multi-disciplined approach to our clients, utilising our diverse professional network within Canberra to provide a holistic view of your child. Take a look at the health services offered below, and do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.

Reduce Meal Time Stress
Help for picky and problem eaters
Learn how to plan meal times and prepare balanced meals for all family members
We work with picky eaters, food avoidance, selective eating and limited food acceptance
We specialise in helping children with Autism, Sensory Processing Disorders and those eating problems caused by other disabilities
Part of a multi-disciplinary team providing Pediatric Feeding Clinics with Accredited Dietitians, Occupational Therapists and Speech Therapists, all working within the SOS (Sequential Oral Sensory) Approach to Feeding
Children with slow or inadequate weight gain and under-nourishment due to feeding difficulties

Healthy Family Counseling
A Healthier Family
Improve your family's healthy habits today with an experienced dietitian's guidance. Whatever your family's current relationship with food is, we will carefully evaluate each member and formulate a personalised plan based on your specific needs and goals. So if an improved relationship with food is what you’re looking for, schedule a session today.

Management of Chronic Disease and Conditions
Improved Health and Symptom Control
Pediatric dietetics includes supporting families moving children from childhood to young adulthood. Puberty and the pressures of being a teenager can create significant challenges, we are here to help.
Learn how to Independently manage chronic diseases and symptoms
Learn how to choose the right foods for your condition
Help implement a therapeutic diet following surgery or diagnosis
Identify and independently manage food intolerance and allergies
Improve Bowel and Gut Health
Gastrointestinal disorders including constipation, inflammatory bowel diseases, IBS, coeliac,
Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome Management
Nutritional deficiencies and anemia
Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome